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New Courses

Deepening  Course #1

Soul-dren- Nourishing the enfoldment of the Light within children-- for teachers, parents and grandparents.

I am excited to invite you to my upcoming class called Soul-dren.

The course consists of two parts:

  1. The Ageless Wisdom information on children and their soul development, primarily from the books by: Alice Bailey, Lucille Cedercrans,  Rudolf Steiner and others.

  2. Children activities that support the Ageless Wisdom information, as well as seasonal activities that support those as well.

This is the introductory class of a four-part class. The classes will discuss

       many of the topics covered in the Esoteric Healing curriculum but

       with the focus on the developing child: the soul, birth, death,

       energy, cosmology, karma, development of physical/etheric,

       emotional, mental,  personality bodies and much more.

We will begin by studying the birth, but unlike the traditional medical

       model that begins with the birth of the fetus, we will begin our

       discussion with the birth of the monad, which is from a much more

       expansive perspective: because that is what happens when you

       consider anything from the lens of the soul!

So, we will begin with Light, since that is the essence of our children as

      well as ourselves and discuss how that Light enters its form in

      developmental stages.  We will also share children’s activities that

      reinforce the idea of the light within themselves and others, as well

      as seasonal activities.

This course brings together my two life-long passions, children and

       esoteric studies as well as my college training, teaching experience 

       and Ageless Wisdom studies that includes all four parts of the   

       Esoteric Healing curriculum.

I am so happy to be co-teaching with a friend and graduate of the

      Esoteric Healing classes that coordinated the children’s curriculum  

      for her Unitarian type church for many years. She has a lot of fun

     ideas for you to share with your children, grandchildren and/or


Dates: November 6, 16, 20 (Wednesdays)

Times: 5:00 – 7:30pm Pacific

Course fee: $100.

Please register by contacting me at:

We hope you will join us.

Di (and BJ)

Deepening Course #2

Relieving Fears around Death and Dying, from the Ageless Wisdom teachings.  

Date: TBA

Time: 4 evenings from 5:00 to 7:30 Pacific

Course fee: $125.

Please contact Diane at: if you are interested since class lists have already begun for both classes.

No payment necessary to sign-up. Thank you❤️

Esoteric Healing Parts 1-4

Course Details

Background of course material

Diane McKeag offers these courses through the International Network of Energy Healing (formerly known as "International Network of Esoteric Healing"). The courses are based on the Ancient Wisdom Teachings via Alice Bailey and others.

All Classes are online

You will need access to a computer with a webcam. I use Zoom for course presentations.

to register

Please use the Contact Form at the bottom of the page to contact Di:

  • To register

  • For payment details

  • To ask questions

Course 1: Introduction to Energy Healing

This is the first in a series of four courses that teach the principles and techniques of Energy Healing, the  Ageless Wisdom concepts via Alice Bailey and others and meditation that supports the energy work.

Energy Healing involves primarily the treatment of the etheric body, a part of the human energy field. The etheric body is the "Electrical System" which vitalizes and controls the physical form.


  • TIME: 9am to 4pm Pacific Time

  • COST: $350. Bring a friend $300                           for Part 1

  • REPEAT FEE: $100

Part 1 Course Content

  • Discusses the anatomy of man at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, personality and spiritual.

  • Teaches how to assess and treat the 7 centers that are collecting stations for all of those energetic levels.

  • Introduces all of the centers but focuses on the basic (root), sacral and solar plexus centers and their systems: urinary, skeletal, reproductive and digestive systems. (Heart and Throat Centers  Part 2, Ajna Part 3, Crown or Head Center Part 4)

  • We learn to assess and treat the imbalances in our energy systems and discuss the types of diseases that are created because of the lack of energy to these areas of the body.

  • We discuss the soul from many different perspectives and learn how it impacts our healing process.

  • We discuss Bailey's  perspective that health represents perfect energy flow at all levels and through all centers or unobstructed energy flow equals perfect health.

  • The energy work and lectures helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves and others. 

  • The energy work can compliment another healing modality, like massage therapy, acupuncture, counseling, teaching and others.

  • This class will teach from that expanded energetic perspective, via Alice Bailey and others. We will study the human body as the multi-vibrational energetic organism that it is. We will learn about the seven centers (major energy vortices) and the different energies each provide the body; as well as the etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the energetic field or aura. 

  • Physical, emotional and/or mental illness represent areas in the energy field that are blocked or out of harmony with the whole. Healing occurs when you treat the energetic cause not the symptom. Unobstructed energy flow represents perfect health.  

  • In this class we learn to assess and treat this palpable energetic system of the centers in ourselves and others.

Course 2: Integrated Living

This class is open to anyone who has completed Level I. We will review the information from Part I and introduce additional practical and theoretical material.


  • TIME: 9am to 5pm Pacific Time

  • COST: $350

  • REPEAT FEE: $100

The Psychological Aspects of the Chakras will be explored as we learn how our thoughts and emotions and subconscious affects our health. DK says 90% of disease is caused by our emotions.

We will discuss the Science of Meditation, the Science of Breath, Initiations, Basic Esotericism,  and the Kundalini energies.

We will introduce The Seven Rays and further explore the Laws of Energy Healing.
We will deepen our understanding of health and healing through continuing our study of the etheric vehicle and focus on the heart and throat centers and the circulatory, lymphatic and pulmonary  systems.​

Course 3: A Cosmic Perspective

Join us for this next phase of the Energy Healing journey, "The Cosmic Scene."


  • TIME: 9 am to 5pm Pacific Time

  • COST: $350

  • REPEAT FEE: $100

As the title implies, this section of the material will expand our horizons, moving us from the personal to the transpersonal, from the seen to the unseen, from proximal to distal, and from earth to the cosmos. We will build on the foundation now deeply imprinted in your being as we add to the practical work.

We will explore new concepts such as Cosmology, "The Plan," the Spiritual Hierarchy, Death and Dying and the Use of the Will, while deepening our understanding of Alignment and Attunement, the Seven Rays, Birth, Life, Death, and the spiritual significance of the Eyes.

The center we focus on in Part 3 is the ajna center.​

Course 4: Synthesis

This is the fourth in a series of four courses teaching the principles and techniques of Energy Healing.


  • TIME: 9am to 5pm Pacific Time

  • COST: $350

  • REPEAT FEE: $100

 The new material will synthesize  and deepen previous material and is more practical, since it focuses on applying what we have learned to our daily lives.

In this class we focus on the crown center and Nervous System, Vagus Nerve and Immune system.

We will discuss Diseases of Disciples and Mystics, the Links Between the Chakras and the Subtle Bodies, and the Esoteric Aspects of the Senses. 

We work together to identify our own physical, emotional, mental, personality and soul rays.

We learn an energy triangle to help us dissipate glamours and discuss the right use of energy.

We discuss the importance of serving  the greater good while recognizing that is different for everyone.

I hope you will join us to celebrate the journey as we share in the SYNTHESIS.

Contact di to  register

Please register or allow me to answer any questions you might have  by  completing this  form. 

Please include the type of support you are looking for from the following list.

      * Deepening  Course (add specific course)

       * Mentoring

       * Energy Session

       * Practice and Support Meeting

       * Book. Study Group


Thanks for submitting!

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